Plastic Pallets and Containers for the Fashion and Textile Industries

Plastic industrial pallets and containers for textile products, dyes and fabrics.
Textile industry heading

Nordcontenitori manufactures plastic industrial pallets and containers for the handling, storage and disposal of textile industry products.


Nordcontenitori manufactures plastic industrial containers for every sector.


In particular, the company's range of plastic containers, pallet boxes and pallets are ideal for use in every phase of production, handling and storage for companies operating in the fashion and textile industries (dye-works, dry cleaners, leather shops, tailors, textile manufacturers, etc.).


These plastic containers and pallets for the textile industry are ecological, robust and certified. The product range includes large plastic containers, plastic containers with wheels, and pallets with various load capacities, all of which are designed to withstand the corrosive and deteriorating effects of chemical agents (colourants, dyes, etc.) and weathering. Unlike wood, in fact, plastic does not deteriorate over time.


Furthermore, thanks to the possibility of outfitting the containers with wheels, handles and other accessories, these products can become practical tools to be integrated within any logistics system.


Nordcontenitori's plastic containers for the textile industry are also modular, foldable and stackable. These characteristics provide for significant space savings during both storage and transport operations.


In addition to its large plastic containers and plastic containers with wheels, the company also offers a wide range of non-slip pallets in various sizes and with different load capacities, plastic tubs and buckets with covers for transporting and storing liquids, as well as baltresca containers and pallet boxes.


Nordcontenitori's plastic containers for the textile industry are high-quality products that represent the best choice currently available on the market in terms of cost, safety and durability.



Contact Nordcontenitori to find out more about all the available plastic containers for the textile industry!

Plastic Pallets and Containers for the Fashion and Textile Industries

Standard plastic containers

Standard plastic containers

Nordcontenitori plastic containers are strong and resilient, and are built to meet every transportation and storage requirement for both food and non-food products.

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Pallet boxes

Pallet boxes

Nordcontenitori manufactures robust plastic pallet boxes that are suitable for contact with food, and can be customized to meet the customer's specific logistic and storage requirements.

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Storage units

Storage units

The combination of Nordcontenitori brand pallets and plastic containers has given rise to the most efficient storage units currently available on the market. 

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